Every young person has the power to have an input of how society evolves.
Inciting a sincere desire to contribute to the effort of dealing with global warming within youngsters can form huge movement and lead to finding new creative solutions. Each student has the power to help and ultimately change the world as long as he or she is heard, encouraged, provided with the right recourses and shown that there is no such thing as “failing”.
On April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. This movement started in 1970 with millions of people participating in the US. This year it is estimated that around one billion will take a part in events. Due to the rapid growth of global warming, more and more people are educating themselves and become more responsible when it comes to their consumption and daily waste management habits. Even teenagers are becoming more concerned about the role they play in the environmental changes taking place in the world they call home.
Since 2010 a lot has changed. Many cities like San Diego, San Francisco, Rochester have adopted similar Ordinances and have estimated 100% renewable status in less than 15 years. Other cities have even achieved 100% renewable energy already. Moreover, at the United Nations summit in Paris in 2015, 17 different topics were focused on by 197 countries attended. These topics ranged from encouraging responsible consumption to improving access to clean water.
It is widely recognized that apart from concentrating onto big solutions, local focus should be considered as well when dealing with climate change as a result of the actions of every individual. Addressing issues such as: “how responsible are mine, my friends’ and my family’s shopping habits and consumption?”; “how can we make our school home greener?”; “how can we improve the range of organisations dealing with keeping and even restoring ecosystems?” and many more. Inciting a sincere desire to contribute to the effort of dealing with global warming within youngsters can form huge movement and lead to finding new creative solutions. As the group in Eugene, Oregon, every student has the fire within to contribute to the world. The only thing they need is a little spark.
Camp Golden Gate will focus on global warning education and awareness through two outlets: Nutrition course and some of their Evening Activities. At the Nutrition course, students will have the opportunity to understand food intake through an environmental perspective. How does climate change affects the nutrients we eat every day? Why is the solid important? and so forth. At the evening activities, the campers will be given projects that focus on global warming. For example, one evening they will focus on using recyclable items to create art. At the end, it is the responsibility of everyone to take care of the place they call home.